Over the past few years, weather events have been getting more and more severe, with the likes of floods becoming increasingly more common. This is especially true when it comes to areas that have traditionally been hit by more sporadic weather events in the past. Unfortunately, this has also been the case with storms. Because of that, it’s becoming increasingly more mandatory for people who live in those areas. However, many of us may not know how to properly storm-proof your home; having said that, there are a few key things that you can do to ensure your house can stand up to these events.
Clean & Repair Your Gutters & Downspouts
When gutters and downspouts are clogged up, water can overflow onto your roof and walls, which can be a lot worse once a storm comes around. This is because storms generally come with an extreme amount of water. Because of this, the water may begin leaking into your roofs and walls, which may cause a significant amount of damage. Because of that, it can be vital to ensure that your gutters and downspouts are as clean as possible before a storm hits. Furthermore, if any are damaged, then you should consider repairing them soon, as they will let water and other bits of dirt during the storm to drain away quickly. With that in mind, it can help prevent a significant amount of damage to your home.
Weatherstrip Windows & Doors
Windows and doors are the easiest ways for drafts and water to get into your home during a storm. Because of that, it’s vital that they’re weatherstripped. While this isn’t just for storms, it’s been shown to have a large effect on keeping heat inside your home and preventing a draft. Furthermore, if you happen to live in an area that has a high likelihood of regular storms, you could consider the likes of storm windows and doors. Not only do these provide a significant amount of protection against storms themselves, but also against many other severe weather events, such as a large amount of rain and more.
Consider Buying A Generator
This may be something that’s only needed in areas that are increasingly more affected by severe storms, but it can end up proving vital. This is because many larger storms have been known to cut off electricity supplies for an extended period. There’s also the fact that in many cases it can take days or even weeks for these power outages to be fixed. This is something that everyone wants to avoid, no matter how long the outage itself is. As such, having a back-up generator will prove vital in these instances. By having a back-up generator in case of a storm, you’ll still be able to keep your heating and lights on, which can be a major benefit in the case of a storm. While there are countless different ways to ensure that your home is ready for a storm, the above will ensure that you have all of the essentials covered. Furthermore, if a storm is approaching, you should always make sure that you have enough food and water for the duration of the storm itself.