Welcome to the April 2021 edition of Divided Sky’s monthly newsletter! Find out what our family owned business has been up to in Hays County and the surrounding areas.
Project of the Month: Hail Damage Insurance Claims
The first thing you should do after a hailstorm is check out the things you can safely see for yourself such as your car or patio furniture. Other areas of your home such as the siding, gutters, downspouts and windowsills can also be checked for signs of damage. Odds are if those things were damaged, your roof may have been too. Your next step should be calling professional roofer who can perform a thorough inspection and calling your insurance company if you do find damage. Do not wait to call your insurance company. If you are uncertain about it, a professional roofer can help you work things out with them to determine if a claim should be filed. Lastly, if you do decide to file a claim, a professional roofer can fix any damaged areas which can help you avoid an even bigger roof problem in the future.
If you think your home may have some hail damage, never hesitate to reach out to your local roofer to help you through the process. Call us today to schedule a free inspection!
From Our Blog: Most Common Reasons for a Leaky Roof
Visit our blog to read about the various reasons for a leaky roof and what you can do to prevent and manage a leak. Check it out yourself below!
Employee of the Month: Mark Vise
Local Company Spotlight: San Marcos Window and Pressure Washing
Happy Spring! It’s the time of year to enjoy the outdoors on your deck built by Josh Paselk at Corridor Landscaping, screened in and covered by John Hardy at Divided Sky, and kept clean by yours truly. Bundle the window cleaning, house washing and even the driveway and roof washing for a discount! Yes we can clean the gutters while we’re up there! Also, it’s never too early to get a free quote and book a spot for our customizable Christmas Light service. We are a local, family owned business serving residential and commercial properties in central Texas. Bonded, Insured with Workers Comp for everyone’s peace of mind.